Monday, February 10, 2014

DAY 6 (Feb 10) Lost in a Cave and Our Rights

Today we're having a look at the old Law Gem, Lost in a Cave.  In your assigned groups you are to address all of the questions and then present your findings to the class on large chart paper.

Some of the main legal points addressed here are (these are notes from today's class discussion and your presentations):

1. Society - what is it and did the three boys constitute a society?

2. How were the boys still part of their previous (outside the cave) society?

3. Did they pass a rule or a law?  Why?

4. Did Canadian Law still govern the boys' actions?  

5. What kind of law does Canadian Law, in this case, not account for?

6. Any differences if they were on a lifeboat in the middle of the ocean?

Tonight I expect each of you to return to class tomorrow having had a good look at your assigned part of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and ready to explain it to the class tomorrow.  Please don't worry, I'll help you all along in this task.

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