Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Day 29 (Mar 26) The Criminal Code Book and the Latimer Case

We started with a quick tour through the Criminal Code book.  Here is the 20 Questions handout for it.

Today we looked at the Latimer Case: Murder or Mercy?

First we looked at the handout, The Latimer Case, and we answered the four questions that I pose in the handout.  Each group led a 5 minute class discussion on the topics raised by this disturbing case.

Then we watched the CBC News in Review clip of the case.  The question that keep coming up when we study Law is, "Is Justice Being Served?"  This is one of those rare cases where Ethics and the Law do not necessarily meet on equal terms.

Then we reconvened our groups to answer those questions again.

THE LATIMER CASE: The Disabled Speak Out
It begins as follows:

In the View of numerous groups representing the interests of disabled Canadians, Robert Latimer’s killing of his daughter was not only murder but a precedent that signalled danger for all disabled people. The public sympathy that was bestowed on him increased their concerns about the public’s attitude toward disabled people.

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