Thursday, December 4, 2014

DAY 66 - Questions for Officer Mike for Monday

Questions for Community Officer Mike O’Halloran
1.    Have you ever been involved in a murder case and what was it like?  Does it resemble, in any ways, what we see on TV or in the movies.

2.    What are the most interesting motives for crimes that you’ve come across?

3.    How big a burden is it to appear in court for relatively minor traffic offenses that people try to fight?

4.    Have you ever had to pull your gun on anyone?  What about other people you work with?

5.    How do you handle deciding at what point you start using force?  Does negotiating work?

6.    Have you ever been tasered as part of training?  Tell us about tasers.

7.    Have you ever been injured on the job by interacting with the public?

8.    What is the most emotionally distressful case you’ve had?

9.    How stressful is your job and how do you cope with that stress?

10.  Have you ever committed a crime before?  And if someone has committed a crime, can they still become a police officer?

11.  Have you ever handled a case in a way that you regret?

12.  Please tell us about the level of intensity in the training to become a police officer?

13.  Please tell us about the rules of the road regarding cell phone use and how the police use the computer equipment in their cars?

14.  Why did you become a police officer?

15.  Do you ever work in undercover work?  What’s it like?

16.  Have you ever had to deal with a hate crime?

17.  Have you ever been in a life-threatening situation?

18.  How often do the police pull over another police officer, perhaps one who is off-duty?

19.  What’s the worst call you’ve ever had to respond to?

20.  Under what circumstances can you ask to look in our backpacks?

21.  How do people treat you differently because you are a law enforcement officer.

22.  What does it mean to be “on-call” in your line of work.  Do you work shifts?

23.  Does criminal activity follow any patterns in the seasons, holidays, days of the week etc.?

24.  Have you ever had your evidence thrown out thus destroying your case?

25.  What are the rules around using or pulling out your weapon?

26.  What's your role at Acton HS?

27.  If there was one law you could change, which one would it be?

28.  Are the police tested for drugs?

29.  Have you ever been involved in a chase, either on foot or in a car?

30.  Do you get asked for advice and opinions on peoples’ activities from friends and family?

31.  Please tell us about the circumstances surrounding the youngest person you have had to arrest.

32.  What is the career trajectory for joining: RCMP; CSIS; SWAT; Canine Unit, etc.

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