Tuesday, February 15, 2011

DAY 10 (Feb 15) Last Lab Day for History of Law Project

Today we are in the final lab period for your project.  I've been checking everyone's presentations and even some of your papers and I'm really quite impressed with what I'm seeing.

Tomorrow we'll have a lookie at your presentations in class and you'll have the change to get going on the written part of your project too.

 Before the end of today's period I'd like everyone to upload your presentation to Google Docs and change the Share setting on it to "Anyone with the Link can open" so that we can all look at it.  Before presentations are due I'll include the links to everyone's presentations here on the blog.

As I mentioned in yesterday's blog post, please note that because I will not be in Law class next Monday I've moved ahead by one day all of the presentations - so they start onWednesday , Feb 23.  Those changes are reflected in the project links below.

All of your draft copies of your paper on the History of Law are still due on Friday, Feb 25 for Peer Editing.

History of Law Project
History of Law Presentation Marking Scheme
History of Law Paper Marking Scheme

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