Wednesday, May 18, 2011

DAY 67 (May 18) The Rest of YCJA

Today we covered the rest of the YCJA including the following sub-topics  as listed on the hand out, Note Taking Guide for YCJA.

Legal Rights of Youths – pp. 334 - 341
1. Outline four choices police have when dealing with a youth who has committed a minor first-time offence.
2. What are extrajudicial sanctions, and when are they used?  What two conditions must be met before a youth offender can participate in an extrajudicial sanctions program?
3. Under the YCJA, what additional rights are available to youths who are arrested?
4. When may a young person be fingerprinted and photographed?
5. What rights and obligations do parents or guardians have when their child is arrested?

Trial Procedures pp. 341 - 345
1. Why do youth court cases usually take less time to try than adult court cases?
2. What is a presumptive offence? List four examples.
3. Why are the identities of youth criminals protected from media publication? Do you agree that this is a good idea?   Why or why not?
4. List three reasons why the YCJA eliminated the transfer of serious crimes to adult court.
5. Why was the case of R. v. D.B. such a significant judgment in the history of youth justice in Canada?

Sentencing of Youths  pp. 345 – 351
1. What are the three principles of youth sentencing?
2. What is the purpose of a pre-sentence report? What kind of information does it contain?
3. What is the most lenient sentence a youth can receive? Why is it the best option for most youths?
4. Using examples, distinguish between open and secure custody.
5. What is the difference between an appeal and a review? What are the purposes of each?

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